Industrial Fans

NirvaTech supplies comprehensive product line of custom and standard industrial fans known for trouble-free performance and consistent quality under duties for diverse applications. These include:

  • Swing-out Designs
  • Fiberglass High Pressure
  • DWDI Ventilation
  • Combustion Air
  • Plug Fans
  • Axial

High Heat Application Fans

NirvaTech have abilities to supply fans for high heat applications. This includes fan applications of 1000 degrees (C) or more with vibration tolerance of 0.05” per second. Typical high heat fan applications include:

  • Recirculate air in furnaces, ovens, kilns, and dryers
  • Exhaust fumes and gases from industrial processes
  • Supply air for heating and drying systems
Centrifugal Fans Range
Flow Capacity (m³/hr) 20-25,000 m3/hr
Pressure (bar) 1 kpaG -30 kpaG
  • For Blowers beyond above range, please contact NirvaTech applications team.
  • The data indicated above are preliminary and may change based on the compressor block manufacturer.

Brands We Deal


NirvaTech Fze is in no way endorsed by Atlas Copco, Ingersoll Rand, CompAir, Kaeser, Boge, Elgi, Cameron or any other original equipment manufacturer. All OEM names are trademarks or registered trademarks of each respective owner. Names , Model and Part numbers used in NirvaTech site is for cross reference purposes only NirvaTech Fze website / email / promotional material is not associated with above mentioned companies and it is not intended to confuse or mislead anyone to believe that it is officially affiliated with Atlas Copco, Ingersoll Rand, CompAir, Kaeser, Boge, Elgi, Cameron or any other original equipment manufacturer.